Would already know that Indonesia is an archipelago country that has many ethnic, tribal, and trust. So it's not wrong if from the West end to the East end of Indonesia has various unique traditions are different for each region. These traditions are still maintained to this day, so You can still see how these traditions coexist with the community.
The traditions and customs of this definitely makes us proud as Indonesia because it just can be found in our homeland. Following the tradition of unique what makes Indonesia is different from the others.
1. Ritual Tiwah-Central Kalimantan.
In Central Kalimantan, there is a special tradition that is done to people who died long ago. The ceremony is performed by the Tiwah Dayak tribe for the delivery of the bones of the deceased person to a House called the Beef. This ritual is aimed at straightening the ghosts travel towards Lewu Tatau or heaven. Besides this unique ritual also aims to release bad luck for the family that's been abandoned.
2. Tradition of Cut Finger-Papua.
This extreme is a tradition that has been abandoned by many tribes of Dani. Cut finger is tradition to indicate sadness due to the left by family members. For the tribe, the Dani fingers deeper meaning, symbolized by the harmony of shapes, kebersatuan, and strength in a man or a family.
3. the Mentawai Tribe Pointy Teeth-Borneo.
For Mentawai tribe of beautiful women must meet three criteria. First, his ears are long. Second, her body adorned titi or tattoos. Third, his teeth are pointy. The tradition for strengthened her teeth is believed will add to the beauty of the woman.
4. Rape-Keboan-Banyuwangi.
The ritual is held once a year always held each on 10 or 10 Muharam of Sura in the villages of Alasmalang, Singojuruh, Banyuwangi. This ceremony requires that some men dress up into Buffalo to plow rice fields and sacrificed. After ploughing rice fields of rape-keboan this village surrounds a triumph accompanied the Carnival folk art. The ritual of rape-keboan aims to ask for rain when the dry season.
5. The tradition of Buffalo Calf-South Sulawesi.
In Indonesia most of which masyrakatnya is the farmers had a great tradition thanks to harvest season. One of them is in the hamlet of Sanaeko, the village of Paroto, Barebbo, Bone, South Sulawesi who did the tradition of Buffalo calves. Unique, isn't it? This tradition is carried out through the game Malanca. The bottom line the youths should pull out its power in order to follow the tradition of Buffalo calves.
6. Tribal Burial traditions of the Minahasa-North Sulawesi.
Minahasa tribe has a unique funeral rituals and different from other traditions. Minahasa tribe positioning the corpse sitting while hugging his leg is not in a position to sleep. Funeral traditions like this according to the beliefs of the Holy State and bring symbolizes goodness. In addition should be in a sitting position, the direction of the position of the corpse should be facing towards the North. This is because the story of heredity from Minahasa people ancestors.
7. Tabuik-West Sumatra.
Tabuik is an Arabic word meaning Ark or heads. This tradition is carried out by the community on the West Coast, organized Sumatera Barat in descending downhill. Ceremony tabuik is held each day of Ashura which falls on the 10th of Muharram. Ceremonies this tradition became a symbol and expression of deep grief and respect Muslims in Pariaman terhdapat grandson of Prophet Muhammad, sa lolloh hu ala ihi wasal lam.

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